In this article I will teach you how I figured out a simple yet very effective formula to make any ad perform better.
This doesn’t require you to slave away at the computer for hours and hours trying to “figure it all out”. It doesn’t require you to spend thousands and thousands of dollars in your advertising budget in the hope you get “a few” measly sales. And it certainly doesn’t require buzzwords or fancy marketing terms.
By the end of this article you will understand why most marketing and advertising in today’s day and age doesn’t perform very well. I’m here to tell you what you can do about it so you can stand out from your competitors.
All of this starts with making sure that your ads aren’t…..Bland. It’s time we add a little bit of spice; let me explain what I mean.
The reason why most ads don’t perform.
I see countless ads out there that have bad copy, poor creatives and no real offer.
They’re basically just vague “advertising” telling you about there brand. This may sound great and look "cool" but it doesn’t move the needle.
Recently I saw a solar panel cleaning ad and the main ad copy was “Dirty solar panels cost you money”, “give John a call”.
This is like saying cows are very expensive to buy.
It doesn’t really make sense does it? There is no offer and we don’t even know why we would call John.
Your offer needs to be clear, direct and easy to follow otherwise you risk losing a potential customer altogether.
The last thing you want is a confused customer because a confused customer does nothing!
Fixing your marketing
The reality is that most businesses throw away at least 50% of their marketing budget and probably much more. We waste huge amounts of money in the name of vague ideas like:
“Well this ad is for brand name recognition”
“This campaign is set up to solidify our branding and brand positioning”
“We’re focusing on top of mind awareness”
It really does puzzle me. Because no businessman worth his salt would put up with this in any other facet of business.
Imagine looking at any budget within your company and being unable to quantify what that money actually got you.
You know how much your spending on staff and what your getting back. You know how much your spending on supplies and what your getting back.
But marketing? Thats like throwing coins down a wishing well. You just throw money at it and hope it works out for the best.
How to stop throwing your money away
For some reason this just didn’t sit right with me. So I decided to get to the bottom of this and figure out a formula for effective marketing.
The good news? There was a formula.
The bad news? It took me a very long time to figure out what that formula is.
Now if I were to explain it to you in depth we would be here for an eternity. We both don’t have time for that so the quickest explanation I could come up with was this:
It’s called Pearson's law.
“What is measured, improves”
Do you want to immediately and dramatically improve the results of your ads?
Make them measurable by adding a response mechanism. A call to action in every ad that asks your prospect to do something.
And then you can observe that action very closely.
Now you can measure. Test. Figure out what works and doesn’t work.
One of the first things I do when I start working with new clients is implement this simple rule:
“Every ad we run need’s to be measurable, no exceptions”
So no more nebulous terms, no more vague marketing offers, we need measurable, solid results.
There’s plenty of ways you can do this and it’s doable for every business, including yours. If you want to know how we can do this for your business get in touch with us today.